Paddleboard Lessons & Rental St. John, USVI

Tag SUP St. John

Paddle to Tire Swing and Mermaid’s Chair St. John

UPDATE: The tire swing has been taken down as it was pulling to hard on the tree but you can still paddle over to Oppenheimer/Gibney and Mermaid’s Chair Today’s paddleboarding suggestion is a relatively easy paddle that is good for… Continue Reading →

Jumbie Bay St. John

Today’s article is about Jumbie Bay Beach. A tiny gem of a beach that is often forgotton or unknown. It only has 5 parking spaces (plus some “creative parking” spots in the woods) so it is never crowded. It is… Continue Reading →

SUP St. John – 2015/2016 Season News

Here  is some exciting news from SUP St. John for the upcoming season, NEW BOARDS: SUP St. John has over 40 paddleboards for rent for the upcoming season. There is no “one size fits all” board, but no matter what age,… Continue Reading →

3 DAY SPECIAL: 2 Boards for 3 Days: 275$

Sticky post

Many of you told us how much they liked the Summer Special, so we will be extending it into winter (Besides, it is always summer on St. John). You can save big on Paddleboard Rentals with our 3 Day Special: 2… Continue Reading →

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