Paddleboard Lessons & Rental St. John, USVI

Tag Stand Up Paddle

After Irmaria – We are open for business and St. John is ready for visitors!

It has been a rough ride being hit by 2 category 5 hurricanes within 2 weeks in September 2017 and we are finally back online with high speed internet via a satellite dish we mounted on our roof terrace. The… Continue Reading →

Come Nightpaddleboarding with us

Sticky post

Looking for a fun thing to do while on St. John or when you have guests in town? How about a nightpaddle? We have some amazing paddles with integrated LED lights that will light up the underwater world for about… Continue Reading →

Jumbie Bay St. John

Today’s article is about Jumbie Bay Beach. A tiny gem of a beach that is often forgotton or unknown. It only has 5 parking spaces (plus some “creative parking” spots in the woods) so it is never crowded. It is… Continue Reading →

Paddle from Hawksnest to Gibney / Oppenheimer Beach

Today’s Paddleboarding suggestions is a paddle from Hawksnest to Gibney / Oppenheimer Beach. This is a really easy paddle which also beginners and less athletic paddlers can do, unless it is really windy. The paddle starts at Hawksnest Beach on the North… Continue Reading →

Paddle to Denis Bay St. John, USVI

Denis Bay is a small secluded beach located on St. John’s Northshore in between Hawksnest and Jumbie Beach. The land above the high water / tree line is privately owned, but all beaches are public so you can access it… Continue Reading →

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