
SUP St. John

We are probably out on the water, but we would love to hear from you! Phone reception is not always good on the island and we are often on the water, so email or text is usually the best way to reach us. We will get back to you within 24hours, usually faster! Please reserve the boards at least the day before we cannot always accomodate day rentals. 


info(at)sup-stjohn.com or supstjohn(at)gmail.com


Call or text Lucy (340) 514 – 5527 or if she is on the water try (340) 626 – 2859 (call/text Captain Steve). Lucy does not have voicemail activated, since most of the time its very hard to make out the number from a message with the wind or bad reception, we will return missed calls or just shoot us a text.


If you have ann iphone/ipad you can send a text (apple iMessage) to info@sup-stjohn.com or 340-514-5527. Sometimes the data network is better than the voice network so that will go through even if voice reception is bad!

SUP-St. John Location

we are located just off South Shore Road overlooking Rendezvous Bay, just after Chocolate Hole. We can offer superior boards at a low price because we don’t have a shop or shop hours. Our business model is that we deliver the boards to the villas and put them on the car for you, usually the evening before so that you are flexible as to when to start in the morning (for free with weekly rental anywhere on island and free for day rentals anywhere in the Cruz Bay, Great Cruz Bay, Chocolate Hole and Rendezvous/Ditliff area). If you are staying in Coral Bay and want a day rental we can also meet you at Chateaux Bordeaux or at Starfish market. If you don’t have a car, we also have inflatable paddleboards for rent that roll up into a backpack which you can take on a hike or taxi.

Or send us a message here:

(in case you don’t see the date picker, the date format is: 2016-12-24)

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Mobile#


Your Message