Have you done SUP before and would like to try something new? Or have you been doing Yoga and your routine is getting a bit stale? Would you like to get a great relaxing workout without being too hot in the sun but don’t feel like working out inside with the A/C either? Book a SUP Yoga Moves Session with Lucy.


The 2 hours session starts with a Yoga Warm Up that works exactly those muscles you will need to paddle, then comes a paddling part, another Yoga part, then more paddling and the session ends with a Yoga cool down. You will feel amazing afterwards.


The lesson can take on a beach (we have SUP yoga anchors or can tie the boards to a mooring ball) or in the privacy of your villa pool. We have the new Fanatic Fly Air Fit Boards, which are ideal for SUP Yoga, with multiple straps to store the paddle and tie up the boards.

There are many Yoga philosophies. In our lessons we will not do any crazy twisting and bending, it will be very basic, easy and safe moves. We also don’t go down the hard core meditation route. If you already have a Yoga routine, we are happy to assess the moves for SUP and include them in the lesson.


10 Benefits of SUP Yoga on St. John

  1. It’s amazing for your health. Yoga is already known to be really good for your health. It reduces stress, strengthens, tones, and stretches your body and makes you feel amazing.
  2. Advanced core strength, its a better workout! When you take the practice of yoga out on a paddle board, you increase the challenge since the platform is unstable.
  3. Learn to appreciate nature in a new way and break through any fears you have of deep water. It is great to stand on a yoga board or be in a pose and look into the water to see fish, sea turtles or other sea life living beneath me. It is so awesome and exciting!
  4. It will refine your technique.You’ll be more in tune with your poses, according to Namaste S.U.P. For example, during downward dog, if you have more weight on one side, your board will let you know.
  5. It’s more calming.The sensation of floating helps to alleviate the heaviness that life sometimes throws on our shoulders.
  6. It’s not too hot and not too cold. Doing a workout on the beach on St. John is very hot, but who wants to be in an air-conditioned gym on this beautiful island. On the water there always is a slight breeze and if you get to hot, just take a dip!
  7. It will help you focus on your breath.Ujjayi Pranayama, or Ocean Breath, is a popular yoga method for breathing because the “ocean” sound is believed to soothe your mind. And some researchers believe that listening to the sound of the ocean can help people to relax. The gentle sound of water lapping while on a paddleboard will help you relax and key you in to the most important aspect of yoga: your breath.
  8. It’s fun. It’s well-known that novelty is important in exercise regimens in order to stay motivated and happy. According to the National Institute of Health, “Mixing it up also helps to reduce boredom and cut your risk of injury
  9. It’s just a touch scary. The very real possibility of falling into the water provides just enough adrenaline to your workout to keep you focused and motivated. And that, explains Men’s Health, could help you fight the ill-effects of stress in your everyday life.
  10. It teaches you to get back up. If you do fall in, you are forced to overcome the set-back, climb back up on your board, and try again — which is a life lesson in and of itself. Yoga-instructor lida-Klein says that conquering the fear of falling in is essential. “The quicker you become okay with falling into the water,” he told Men’s Fitness, “the better you’ll feel and the easier it will be.”

(Read the full articles here and here)


Prices SUP Yoga on St. John

75$ per person for 2 hours private lesson incl. board, paddle, leash, yoga anchor


Location SUP Yoga Lessons St. John

we can do it at a calm, private bay or at the pool of your villa for absolute privacy. The pool does not have to be big, just big enough to get the paddleboard in. Lucy does SUP Yoga every morning in her tiny 10ft pool……and for only 30$ you can keep the board for the rest of the day to take to your favorite beach!


 Book your SUP Yoga Lesson on St. John

Send a text / email to 340-514-5527 or supstjohn(at)gmail.com / info(at)sup-stjohn.com or use the contact form below

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Phone Number


CHOOSE START END/DATE (click on triangle for calendar).
Some browsers don't show the date picker then leave it empty and enter dates in body text
For rentals, enter start day of rental. We will usually deliver the boards the evening before around 5:30pm

Start date

End Date (Boards are usually due back 5:30pm other times can be arranged)

Number of Boards / People (you will get leash, paddle, lifevest and softracks for each board)

Level of Experience

I want to

I am staying at (name of hotel/villa)


I would like a Lesson
yesnonot sure

Extras (any extras you want to book, bluetti cooler with icemaker & battery, powerstation, solar panel, snorkel sets, skimboard, Gopro Camera, coolers, hammock, LED night paddles, Laybag)

Your Message (if you want to include age, size, weight and level of experience we can help you choose the right boards, for deliveries please also add where you are staying)