Do you have young children, are not so good of a swimmer or just prefer to learn how to paddle in the privacy of your own home? If your villa has a pool, we can come over and teach you and your family there.
The pool does not have to be big, just big enough to get a 11’0 board in….we can practice the stroke technique standing on the side of the pool “shoveling water” and then you can practice how to get up on the board and turn in the pool, you don’t really have to paddle far. You can also try some simple Yoga poses on the paddleboard in your pool to train your balance.
After you mastered the stroke, take-off and turn you are good to go and explore St. John Beaches with a Paddleboard!
SUP Lessons at your Villa Pool Pricing
The price for Pool Lessons is the same as normal Lessons.
- 65$ per person for a private lesson (2 or more)
- 75$ if only one person.
We will come to your villa free of charge, anywhere on the island! Send us an email to info(at) or call/text 340-514-5527 to book your lesson!